
Making Space, Making Place: Marking the Americas

On Now:
Mar 30, 202303.30.23
Adriana Zavala
Delia Cosentino

ISLAA, the Institute of Fine Arts at New York University, and Columbia University are pleased to announce the Seventh Annual Symposium of Latin American Art. “Making Space, Making place: Marking the Americas” will be held on March 30, and March 31, 2023. The Symposium will include keynote presentations by Adriana Zavala and Delia Cosentino.

The Symposium will be held entirely in-person at The Institute of Fine Arts, New York University.

The Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
The James B. Duke House, 1 East 78th Street


All attendees must be in compliance with NYU's COVID-19 vaccination requirements (fully vaccinated and boosted, once eligible and by NYU's deadline) and be prepared to present proof of compliance. Please review the University's COVID guidelines in advance of your visit.


Adriana Zavala, Andrew W. Mellon Professor, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery, and Associate Professor, History of Art, Studies in Race, Colonialism and Diaspora, Tufts University

Delia Cosentino, Associate Professor, History of Art & Architecture, DePaul University

Zavala and Cosentino are the co-authors of the forthcoming publication, Resurrecting Tenochtitlan: Imagining the Aztec Capital in Modern Mexico City (University of Texas Press).



2:00 PM Opening Remarks and Welcome
Christine Poggi, Judy and Michael Steinhardt Director and Professor of Fine Arts, the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University; Lucy Hunter, Managing Director, the Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA); Edward J. Sullivan, Deputy Director and Helen Gould Shepard Professor in the History of Art, the Institute of Fine Arts and College of Arts and Sciences, New York University

2:30 – 4:00 PM Panel 1: Marking Places. Discussant: Lisa Trever, Lisa and Bernard Selz Associate Professor of Pre-Columbian Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University

Clara Maria Apostolatos, MA student, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University

“Dreamworks of Utopia: Paolo Gasparini’s Karakarakas

Joshua L. Gomez-Ortega (he/they), PhD student, University of Illinois Chicago (UIC)

“Mapping Pulquerías: Subversive Spaces and Corruptive Places in the Visual Culture of New Spain”

Jerónimo Reyes-Retana (he/him), PhD student, University of Colorado Boulder

“Playa Bagdad / SpaceX: transboundary noise, the colonial voids of infrastructure, and counter-archiving as a place-making practice”

4:15 - 5:45 PM Panel 2: Performance, Discussant: Francisco Quinteiro Pires, Postdoctoral fellow, New York University

Emilia Raggi Lucio, PhD student, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

“Flores, paisaje y música, una propuesta cartográfica basada en canciones náhuatl/Flowers, landscape and music, a cartographic proposal based on Nahua chants”

Daniela Seixas (she/her), Assistant Professor, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro and Andressa Lacerda (she/her), PhD student, Universidade Federal Fluminense and Assistant Professor, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

“Cartografias da fala / Cartografias do samba: mapas subjetivos”

Amanda Macedo Macedo (she/her), PhD student, Brown University

“Brown Geographies and Disruptive Mythologies”

6:00 - 7:00 PM Opening Reception


10:30 - 12:00 PM Panel 3: History and Progress, Discussant: Brian Bentley, Director, Alexander Gray Associates

Claudia Garay Molina (she/her), Researcher and Professor, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

“‘A rumbo y tanteada’: Manuel Toussaint, Justino Fernández y el mapeo del patrimonio artístico en México (1927-1937)”

Maria Alejandra Linares Trelles (she/her), Adjunct Professor, The New School

“Antonio Raimondi’s Cartographies for Progress: Envisioning Peru as a Productive Landscape”

Janaína Nagata Otoch (she/her), PhD candidate, Universidade de São Paulo

“Vestígios de uma geografia simbólica: Vicente do Rego Monteiro e a memória de Hans Staden”

[12pm-1pm– Break]

1:15 - 2:45 PM Panel 4 Museums, Discussant: Irene Small, Associate Professor of Art & Archaeology, Co-Director, Program in Media & Modernity, Princeton University

Benjamin O. Murphy (he/him), Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art

“From Phenomenological to Geopolitical: Scale and Space in Lea Lublin’s Cultura: dentro y fuera del museo”

Dr. Caroline Alciones de Oliveira Leite (she/her), PhD, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

“Para Onde Apontam As Estrelas: Cruzeiro Do Sul (1969-1970) de Cildo Meireles”

Chasitie Brown (she/her), PhD Candidate, University of Texas at Austin

“Diasporic Palimpsests: Cuban Artist Alexis Esquivel in Spain”

3:00 - 5:00 PM Keynote Programming followed by a moderated discussion with Alexander Alberro, Virginia Wright Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art History at Barnard College and Columbia University

Delia Cosentino, Associate Professor, History of Art & Architecture, DePaul University

Adriana Zavala, Andrew W. Mellon Professor, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery, and Associate Professor, History of Art, Studies in Race, Colonialism and Diaspora, Tufts University

5:00 PM Closing Remarks from the Symposium Organizers: Tatiana Marcel, MA student, the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University; Corey Loftus, PhD student, the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University; Rebecca Yuste, PhD candidate, Columbia University; Eric Mazariegos, PhD candidate, Columbia University

Panelists' bios

Faculty advisors for this event are Edward J. Sullivan, Helen Gould Sheppard Professor in the History of Art at the Institute of Fine Arts; Lisa Trever, Lisa and Bernard Selz Associate Professor in Pre-Columbian Art History and Archaeology at Columbia University; Jerónimo Duarte-Riascos, Assistant Professor of Latin American and Iberian Cultures; and Alexander Alberro, Virginia Bloedel Wright Professor of Art History at Barnard College and Columbia University.

The Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA) supports the study and visibility of Latin American art.
142 Franklin Street New York, NY 10013

Tue–Sat: 12–6 PM Sun–Mon: Closed

142 Franklin Street New York, NY 10013

Copyright © 2023 Institute for Studies on Latin American Art
The Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA) supports the study and visibility of Latin American art.

Tue–Sat: 12–6 PM Sun–Mon: Closed